Delivery Information
After receiving your order and payment, your goods will be dispatched to the UK and mainland Europe. The USA dispatched parcels should reach the purchaser within a reasonable time. Due to the UK leaving the EU, products will be sent directly from an EU country.
We deliver to the following Countries, please always inquire if your country is not listed:
Asia Australia Österreich Belgique България Canada Cape Verde Hrvatska Česká Republika Danmark Estland |
Suomi France Deutschland Greece Hong Kong Magyarország Éire Israel Italia Kuwait Latvija |
Liechtenstein Lietuva Luxembourg Mexico Netherlands New Zealand Norge Polska Portugal Romania Россия |
Saudi Arabia Slovensko Slovenija South America España Sverige Suisse Türkiye UAE United Kingdom USA |
We do our best to accurately estimate when items will be dispatched from our head office. The estimated dispatch and delivery dates are based on several factors, including your destination address, how quickly we can obtain and assemble items for dispatch, and whether you have requested that we group your items into as few deliveries as possible.
Our estimated dispatch dates are generally a range of dates. It is entirely possible for an item that has not been dispatched by the beginning of the date range to still arrive within our delivery estimate.
We calculate delivery estimates by taking our estimated dispatch dates and adding the time it takes a package to travel from our head office to your destination address.
Sometimes we'll update our delivery estimates based on the most recent information we have, we may update your estimated delivery date by email.